Project information

  • Category: Full-Stack Discord clone
  • Technology: React-Redux/Javscript/Ruby/Rails/PostgreSQL
  • Project date: November, 2021
  • Project Live Site: Echo
  • Github Repo: Echo Repo


Echo is a Discord-clone project I developed aimed at delivering some of the core features. I created this project as practice for Full-stack development and to gain experience for handling user input. For those of you that are not familiar with Discord, it is a place to create communities. Whether it be a school club, a gaming group, worldwide art community, or even a place to hang out with friends, Discord gives the ability to isolate the servers into topic/discussion based channels where you can share or collaborate with one another without flooding a text channel. Hanging out is made really easy. Friends in your server can freely see you're online and can pop in without having to call. I chose to clone Discord because I am a passionate user. After developing Echo I realized how unappreciative I was of the application.